The textbook for this course is “Structural Analysis” byR.C. Hibbeler, 8th edition in SI units.
Q1 – Statically indeterminate truss analysis by the force method.Do problem 10.29 of text book (p. 432).
Q2 (30 marks) – Statically indeterminate frame analysis by the force method. Do problem 10.19 of text book (p. 420). Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for the frame indicating the salient values.
Q3 (20 marks) – Statically indeterminate frame analysis by the slope deflection method. Do problem 11.14 of text book (p. 482). Calculate the value of the maximum BM and maximum
Q4 (25 marks) – Statically indeterminate beam analysis by the moment distribution method.
Do problem 12.5 of text book (p. 506). Determine all the reactions at A, B and C.
Q5 (40 marks) – Statically determinate or indeterminate truss analysis by the stiffness
method. Determine all the nodal displacements and member forces for the truss given in
problems 14.9 and 14.10 (p. 572). Repeat the problem using the Strand7 finite element software package. Submit a hard copy from Strand7 showing nodal displacements and member forces (highlight these in the hard copy). Give a table showing the comparison of member forces from the stiffness method (manual calculations) and Strand7 analysis package. Also submit a hard copy of the deformed configuration of the truss using a displacement scale of 10%.
Q6 (30 marks) – Statically determinate or indeterminate beam analysis by the stiffness
method. Determine all the reactions at the supports and rotation at node 2, for the beam
shown in problem 15.7 (p. 592). Repeat the problem using the Strand7 finite element software package. Give a table comparing the stiffness method (manual calculations) results with that of Strand7 results.
Q7 (30 marks) – Statically determinate or indeterminate frame analysis by the stiffness
method. Do problem 16.11 and 16.12 (p. 611).
Structural Engineering Numerical + Short questions.
Essay 2 Does planning work? Choose any one plan and consider the ways in which it is either ameliorated or exacerbated the social and/or physical environment.
During and closely following the Field excursion Day (Friday 22 May), assemble field notes and materials that
can assist you in the preparation of the Case Study report required for Assignment 4. This may include
returning to the locality or utilising virtual access and researching relevantinformation from multiple sources.
Collate a selection of your materials from the field excursion day (which may include your notes, sketches,
illustrations, lists of potential references and resources) and scan these as a PDF to submit. You are not
required to submit all your material, but try to include a sample cross‐section. (Cloud (online) students not able
to attend the field excursion day please refer to the note below.)
SRP782 Urban Dynamics-Assignments 4: Urban Change Case Study Report
Identify and reflect upon the key components of urban dynamics that effect change in the city. This identification and reflection may include (but is not limited to) discussion on patters of settlements, the historic evolution of cities, the internal forces that contribute to a city, the forces that stimulate or shape change, and/or efforts to anticipate, manage and influence the future of cities. Conclude with some brief observations on current and emerging challenges that you think are likely to confront cities (locally and internationally) in the next couple of decades.
You have been engaged by a client who would like to establish a townhouse development located at 15-17 Hinterland Drive, Mudgeeraba. The site is currently encumbered by a detached dwelling and ancillary structures associated with the premises – all of which are to be demolished. The townhouse development will comprise a minimum of seven (7) dwellings with each dwelling accommodating 3-4 bedrooms. It is intended that half of the dwellings will provide (1) off street car park space whilst the balance will comply with the relevant car park provisions associated with the use. Communal facilities are proposed on site (eg pool, barbeque area) of which all occupants will have shared access to.
Prelodgement Report
Using the above scenario, you are to prepare a Prelodgement Report to City of Gold Coast in which you are seeking to meet with Council officers to discuss the proposal and any non-compliance issues (ie conflicts between the proposal and Acceptable Outcomes of any relevant codes).
In addition, you are to complete all relevant Forms associated with a Prelodgement Meeting Request (refer to Council’s website), calculate the Development Application Fees if the application were to be lodged, Infrastructure Charges should the application be approved, and outline the relevant IDAS Stages including approximate timeframe (best and worst case scenarios) if the application was to be lodged to Council for assessment.
Case Study Question:
The main access to a large rural farming community in a developing country is provided by an engineered earth road. However this is often subjected to flooding and impassability which prevents access during several months of the year, making the community vulnerable and isolated. Costs of significant agricultural production in the area are also correspondingly affected. As a result the government is set to upgrade the road to an all season road.
Your organisation has been invited to undertake studies to determine a suitable drainage scheme for the new road. You are also required to provide an indication of the new road’s geometrical design and some calculations associated with a suitable pavement structural design.
Available Data:
The information provided to you is of low quality, and so will need to state clearly any assumptions you make.
10. When determining the coefficients of run off for the various surfaces you need to bear in mind that although future land use for the catchment area are undecided, housing development in the vicinity of the new alignment should be considered.
Figure 1: Proposed Alignment
Figure 2: Proposed Alignment
Design Steps:
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