Business Management Assignment Help Question Bank
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Case Study
Based on your own organisation (or specified part of the organisation), or one with which you are familiar, write a 3,500 word report outlining and justifying a knowledge and organizational learning strategy for it. The report should include evidence of the following:
- Contextual awareness (10% of the mark): an introduction to the organisation, your own role, and current knowledge and organisational learning strategy features, or common formal or informal knowledge and organisational learning practices within the organisation. You should also characterise features of the strategic context of the organisation (e.g. sector, industry, competitive drivers, organisational strategy and business model, knowledge context, cultural characteristics, stakeholder profile and so on) and what the implications of these are for knowledge and organisational learning priorities of the organisation. This is to provide a context for your assignment and should be around 350 words.
- Analysis (40% of the mark): a variety of analysis approaches from the module should be applied to identify strategic knowledge and organisational learning priorities for the organisation. This must include analysis in terms of the five critical knowledge-related tensions (core dilemmas) covered in the course (competing, deciding, learning, connecting and relating) and analysis of the knowledge flows within and external to the organisation. Other analyses, such as identifying valuable knowledge and consideration of absorptive capacity, maturity in key areas and so on, should be selected as appropriate for the organisational context.
- Strategy (25% of the mark): a critical discussion of the key features of a knowledge and organisational learning strategy for the organisation based on the analyses and context (A and B), together with a justified explanation of the tools, processes and practices that could be appropriate in implementing this strategy.
- Implementation considerations (15% of the mark): an outline of the implementation plan and a discussion of associated change management considerations in implementing this strategy. You should also include an overview of how to evaluate the implementation and how to monitor changes in the organisation’s knowledge and organisational learning capabilities.
- Reflective statement (10% of the mark): a personal learning statement of about 350 words, reflecting on your personal learning during the module in terms of the influence of context and on the implications of organisational learning and knowledge strategies on organisational performance.
Please note: You may choose to answer this question for your organisation as a whole or for a business unit, division or department. Within your analysis and discussion you should develop your learning from the course and use concepts and theories to help you to analyse, justify and discuss the issues, your plan and your recommendations.
Word count for the assignment is 3,500 words (+20%/–10%), excluding appendices and references/bibliography.
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Assignment preparation guidance
In preparing your assignment you should keep the following points in mind.
Your assignment must demonstrate:
- Your understanding of the underpinning theories and the application of the course material to the issue that you are presenting. You must reference concepts, theories and course materials fully, using the required citation standard at the point of use in the report, providing full source details in a references section at the end (following Harvard standard). You may provide an additional bibliography if you wish (a bibliography includes sources that have informed your thinking but that have not been referred to).
- Your ability to select appropriate examples from real life to illustrate the use of the theories and frameworks you have studied, and to inform your analyses. It will be helpful for you if you are able to access actual data from your organisation to illustrate the points made.
- Your understanding of the key areas where improvements could be made, providing a summary of the likely benefits, and prioritising these based on your strategic analyses. This applies to parts C and D in particular.
The allocation of marks across the five sections (A–E) is listed. You are asked to write about 350 words for each of sections A and E. You should allocate the remaining word count between the other sections reflecting the relative mark allocation.
The reflection (E) provides the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to reflect on your learning from the module contents, how it relates to your role and experience, and insights about yourself that you have gained from your learning.
Word Count
Your assignment should be approximately 3,500 words in length. Word count will comprise all text (including contents pages, executive summaries and text in tables or diagrams etc) with the exception of appendices and references listing/optional bibliography.
You should append to the end of your assignment a note of the number of words used (excluding appendices, references and bibliography).
Assignments that exceed the specified word count by more than 20% or fall short by 10% may be returned to you unmarked. No other penalty will apply and a returned assignment will not be considered a ‘fail’. You will be expected to amend the work to meet the required word count and resubmit.
Use of Appendices
You are advised to be cautious when including appendices in assignments. There are no specific criteria for marking or mark allocation available for appendices, so the assessment process focuses on the appropriate use of appendices.
When deciding whether or not to include appendices, consider the following points.
- Appendices should add value or detail to the discussion and analysis undertaken in the main body of the assignment.
- Appendices offer the opportunity to give a greater amount of relevant and appropriate detail to support the main analysis and discussion.
- Models, theories and discussions that demonstrate critical evaluation and analysis of issues related to the module being assessed should always be presented within the main body of the text. The main discussion should make sense without reference to the appendices. Using bullet points in the text (which does not constitute analysis) and putting the detailed analysis in the appendices is not acceptable practice and could result in failure.
- The inclusion of appendices should not be viewed as an opportunity to include anything that cannot fit in the word count.
- Excessive use of appendices suggests inappropriate use. As a guide, we would not normally expect appendices to exceed one-third of the length of the assignment.
- Appendices should always be referenced at the appropriate point within the discussion in the main body of the text.
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