
Challenges Confront Nations Attempting To Be Good Global Citizens

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1230 words


2 Days

Assignment Criteria

Choose one of the following questions:

1. What problems, tensions and challenges confront nations in attempting to be good 'global citizens'?

Discuss this question with reference to one or more contemporary legal issues or events canvassed in weeks 9 to 12 of Law, Order and Justice

2. Should nation states aim to be good 'global citizens'? What might such a commitment mean for how law is developed, applied and assessed? 

Discuss this question with reference to one or more contemporary issues: citizenship; migration; asylum seekers; terrorism; the activities of multi-national corporations. 

3. What connections can be drawn between 'global citizenship', social justice and/or the protection of human rights?

Discuss this question with reference to one or more contemporary issues: citizenship; migration; asylum seekers; terrorism; the activities of multi-national corporations. 

4. 'To be a 'global citizen' is to acknowledge the importance of differences in power, position and experience.'

Discuss this proposition with reference to one or more contemporary issues: citizenship; migration; asylum seekers; terrorism; the activities of multi-national corporations. 

5. 'In assessing whether nation states are good 'global citizens', it is necessary to consider what nation states do both beyond and within their borders.'

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Assignment Solution

'Building sustainable cities and a sustainable future will need open dialogue among all branches of national, regional and local government. And it will need the engagement of all stakeholders- including the private sector and civil society, and especially the poor and marginalized'

-Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General


The Preamble of the UN Charter says that it strives to provide fundamental rights, dignity to all, and establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other international law, and along with this, a better standard of life. This preamble of the UN Charter provides room for a lot of moot questions when we look at the conditions that prevail in the world-nations.

The basic objective for the establishment of the UN was to develop an environment of peace and harmony between world-nations. However, the equations have never remained the same. The conflict of interest and ideologies have prevailed and has done more bad than good to mankind.

So the questions that arise is, has the UN failed in achieving its objective? What reasons force nations to get into conflicts? 

The UN nations have definitely made a remarkable job in the world-society. However, under circumstances, the UN's directions have lost their credibility, which is one of the reasons for conflicts. Further, it is very essential to look at the history, the foreign policy, the philosophy that a nation professes, to adjudicate on its current position. All the above-mentioned factors heavily influence the equation that a nation maintains with its other brothers. For example, the conflict between Israel and Palestine is an ethnic conflict on religious grounds. These small-scale conflicts later resulted in the Palestine riots of 1929, including the Hebron and Safed massacres. Every person is deep-rooted with the religious ideas or the values that he may follow. The conflict arises when one's values are opposed by the other, and a war of superiority takes the room. Though the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1950 says, that there be no discrimination on the basis of religion, sex, colour, race, opinion, etc the irony is most of the wars are the products of conflicts between the above-mentioned factors. The conflict between India and Pakistan on the issue of J&K is the result of the various historical incidents, and this has now become a conflict between two religious ideas. The 100-day Rwandan genocide, though an internal genocide between the Hutus and Tutsi's, took as many as 5, 00,000 – 1, 00, 00,000 life's, accounting to 20% of the country's population. Therefore, the clash between ideas, the fights for superiority leading to war only result in tremendous harm to mankind. However, the law is not to be blamed for the failure to maintain Order in the territory. But, it is the citizens of the state responsible for the same.

Role of the Sate and the Citizens

The State only provides for a certain set of rules for its citizens. It provides means to maintain order and discipline in the society. The onus lies on the people to uphold the same.

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