How to structure your assignments and essays? |LGAW01/08

Structure of assignments – Approach to writing an A+ grade assignment
Once you have created concept maps or guidelines while you have planned for your assignment, you should begin writing the assignment. As you write, you might get some new ideas to structure your assignment. But, you should always refer back to your initial plan to evaluate whether the new ideas can be meaningfully incorporated in the overall plan or in the paragraph you are writing at that moment. Actually, any forms of essays are the collation of different types of paragraph. So, one of the integral parts of structuring is to understand what are different types of paragraph, and when and how you should use them in your assignment.
Paragraph planning: For writing every paragraph, get clear on the main idea you are trying to convey in that paragraph. In the beginning of the paragraph, write a clear topic sentence to inform the reader what to expect from the paragraph. However, deciding the main idea often is not going to be enough, you have to be sure of how you are going to discuss the idea in the paragraph. On the basis of how the main idea is discussed, different types of paragraph are discussed.
- List paragraphs list out different ideas. Linking words used in this type of paragraph are: similarly, additionally, next, another example, furthermore, firstly, secondly, thirdly
- Cause and effects paragraphs should describe the cause and effect of the main idea. Linking words used in this case are, consequently, as a result, therefore, results indicated, etc.
- Compare and contrasts paragraphs compare different views of the various authors around the main idea. On the other hand, similarly, by contrast, conversely, alternatively, etc. Are the linking words used in this paragraph.
- Problem solution paragraphs list the problem as well as the solution concerning the main idea. Linking words are outcomes included, identified problems included, other concerns were overcome by, etc.
Linking paragraphs: Check your plan or map to identify key concepts that can be used to link the different sections of your assignment. If there is an idea that keeps occurring in various parts of the assignment, then you can mark it as a theme to link your paragraphs. For examples of linking paragraphs through the efficient use of linking words, please visit.
Different parts of an essay: Although different types of essays have different specifications for different parts of the essay, it is always good to understand how to structure the three most important portions of any essay as being introduction, body, and conclusion.

Writing an introduction: Introduction generally provides broad information about the topic. Typically, it includes
- Background or the context on which you are basing your essay. This hint the reader about necessary area of academic literature you contextualizing your article.
- An outline of issues or topics that will be covered in the essay.
- A thesis or main idea which is your response to the question given for the assignment.
Please see this example of introduction, body, conclusion of an essay to understand the above points more clearly.
Writing the body:
- Each paragraph from the body section should be linked to the outline and the thesis statement.
- Body paragraphs should contain the argument you develop as a response to the question. Arguments are built by linking points in and between paragraphs.
Writing the conclusion:
- Describe the most important point established in the essay.
- Don’t include any new information, and thus should not contain any reference.
- End with your own view about the topic, and also the further scope of research.
After you have structured and written your assignment, you should see how to proofread and edit your assignment and how to manage your time to complete the assignment well within the stipulated deadline for getting good grades. Along with the above steps, it will be highly beneficial if you check all the other steps for completing an assignment.
If you really find difficult to find some time to read all these steps and complete your assignment, then there are various top assignment help services to help you. You can just approach these assignment providers and give your requirements to them. They will come back to you with the best assignment services.
Other articles under blog series of “Steps for Successful Assignments”
- Approach of writing ‘A’ grade assignments
- Topic analysis
- Brainstorming
- Developing questions
- Beginning research
- Reading critically
- Taking notes for assignments
- Planning your writing
- Structuring your assignment
- Assignment editing and proofreading
- Time management while doing assignments
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