Human Resource Assignment Sample question on Significance of Teamwork

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Teamwork has become need for business entities and it can never be neglected from organizational culture. In the current report, the significance of teamwork has been shown along with the implementation of various models like Belbin’s theory, Tuckman stages of development and Goleman’s theory of emotional intelligence. Further, the report also shed light on individual capabilities and strengths to manage other’s capabilities. At last, the development plan for the improvement in communication and knowledge increment has been designed with appropriate activities.
In the era of globalisation, the major success criteria for the companies are their team work environment and group performance (Bell and Brown, 2015). If the team environment is not so appropriate then in the absence of coordination and cooperation the companies can never execute their strategies (West, 2012). The decision making will be delayed and most importantly knowledge sharing within the organisation will also be affected adversely. In the current report, the team and group working capabilities have been explored along with developing a team working habits. The application of models and concrete development plan is the main features of the present report.
Literature Review(literature review is very good) but the word limit for this is 1000 words as u can see in task description clearly. U have to explain the theories in literature review for example gelman’s theory.
Definition of Team and Groups:
Scarnati, (2001) has defined teamwork as a collective effort of teammates to achieve specific goals within a stipulated period of time. The author has emphasis the fact that through teamwork the hard goals can be achieved as people work with each other and it increases their capabilities. On the contrary, Harris and Harris (1996) shed light on other characteristics of teamwork. The authors gave emphasis to mutual respect and mentioned that teamwork is always directed towards the common goals to be achieved. Thus, on the basis of both definitions, it can be said that teamwork is a cooperative way just to achieve organisational goals by enhancing an individual’s capacity through each other’s help and developing mutual respect is also essential (Parker, 2011).
Luca and Tarricone (2001) mentioned that if the company do not have clear purpose or goals, then it is not possible to form a team and extracting the best work out of teammates. Johnson and Johnson,(1999)have also corroborated the same but in addition, they give emphasis to flexibility in teamwork. The major difference between groups and team is that the group members work independently and it can be both formal and informal. On the contrary, the team is most of the times are just formal in nature and teammates work in a collaborative manner. The team is formed for a special purpose or specific period of time, but groups always exist in the internal environment of a company. However, both groups and teams have one specific purpose, i.e. to contribute immensely in the organisational setup and ensuring its success (O’ Conell and Cuthberston, 2009).
Team or Group Cohesion:
The term cohesion is associated with the level of unity and attachment among teammates towards each other, their goal and work (O’ Conell and Cuthberston, 2009). Teammates should show their commitment towards organisational goals and communicate properly for its success or achievement. Further, the team cohesion can become possible only if the team members are emotionally stable and have control on their emotions. According to Swamidass and Cammann, (2003) the group cohesion and performance both are directly associated with each other.
To understand the group cohesion more, Goleman’s emotional intelligence theory can be studied. Goleman’s emotional intelligence theory suggested that every individual working in an organisation should have control on their emotions as it can help them to avoid unnecessary conflicts and egoistic behavioural aspects (Sullivan, 2016). Maintaining team cohesiveness is one of the major challenges in front of the organisations. Every team consists of adiverse workforce that has a different set of beliefs and values. Further, their skill set and thepotential level are also completely different to each another. Thus, out of five components of Goleman’s theory, social skill is one of the required for individuals in a teamwork environment. Teammates should help each other; cooperation is required along with unity and building network. The communication can become smoother along with fewer conflicts and ego (Goleman, 2009).
Team or Group Composition:
Diversity is one major factor or characteristics of the team or group environment mentioned by Harrison, Price and Bell, (1998). The composition is related to the formation of a team of a company. If an organisation has followed effective and logical technique to form a team, then teamwork will be directed towards the achievement of organisational goals else the team efforts will be deviated and distracted from its actual existence purpose. To understand the group formation or composition in a better way the Tuckman’s four stages model can be investigated properly (Hess and Bacigalupo, 2011). Here the author has given significance to the forming, storming, norming and performing stages. The major element is that when a company forms a group, they should have a balance between the group members and they all should have the competence to accomplish the task. Another factor is that the leaders should give an adequate amount of consideration to establish a link between them, the roles and responsibilities between them should be clear and most significantly the interaction has also gained huge consideration at the stage of storming. Once teammates cross the storming stage, everything went normal, and at last, they start to perform as per their assigned duties.
Role of people in a team:
The most significant element that has its impact on the team and group performance is the role of people within the team (Marks and Richards, 2012). Now, here the term ‘role’ is influenced by two situations. Firstly, personal roles and interpersonal skills and attitude of an individual are very crucial. Every teammate should understand their responsibility and should participate in team work with a spirit of learning and completing the task effectively. The second factor is the role assigned by the company to individuals. It determines the professional roles and responsibilities of the team members.
Diagnostics tool:-in diagnostic tool there is clearly written in the task description use any of three such as (Johari window,Thomas khilman conflictquestionnaire,the big 5 ESCI ,Belbin team theory )but u used just only one Belbin theory you have to use any of three
To understand this element in a proper way Belbin’s team role inventory theory can be explored. According to the author, every individual in a team has certain roles and responsibilities. He divided the people on the basis of plant, resource navigator, coordinator, shaper, monitor evaluator, team worker, implementer, finisher and specialist (Belbin, 2012). Leaders need to understand that every person has some specialities and on the basis of those qualities their roles could be assigned to them.
Managing capabilities: this definition is not ok inspite of that u can use analysis as a definition but u cant use ‘I’ in this paragraph. And please analysis other two diagnostics tool as well as u did with Belbin theory
On the basis of above, literature review discussion and analysis of models, can it be stated that municatiocomn is oof the mostne b ai scpersonality traits which can help in building the teamwork environment. The effective, proper and open communication was the basis of all the three models. Through communication, it becomes possible to convey the idea or purpose of forming a group. Further, teammates can also interact with each other and can build an internal network. I can say that it is one area where I can perform exceptionally well. My communication skills are excellent as I have a habit of interacting freely with others. I can definitely interact about various topics and most significantly I have the understanding to throw words as per situation and surroundings (Chin, 2015).
By analysing the Goleman’s theory of emotional intelligence, I have found that one should be motivated and confident to work under any circumstances. He should be adaptable to the dynamic working environment. I can state that I have skills to accept change easily but onlyif it is beneficial and positively yielding for me. It lies within the self-regulatory principle, mentioned in Goleman’s theory of intelligence. Within a team, I can motivate others to achieve group goals. It is similar to the Belbin’s team role inventory model. In Belbin’s model also the role of motivator or shaper has been mentioned (Hess and Bacigalupo, 2011). Thus, other than communication, high motivation is also effective with a view of working in a team. I can say that I am quite confident and motivated person, but still, there is need of understanding the professional environment. It could be treated as my strength.
After analysing the Belbin’s team inventory role (plant) and Tuckman’s storming phase, I have analysed that an individual should have the potential to act in a creative way and should develop a problem-solving attitude. This is the area where I would like to develop myself, and it could be helpful to manage other’s capabilities. While doing the literature review it has been found that teamwork is essential and every individual should develop his mindset accordingly. I will focus on every aspect of Belbin’s team role inventory model and Goleman’s theory of emotional intelligence. However, there is need of making proper development plan so that identified weakness and personality gaps could be filled (Severt and Estrada, 2015).
And please restructure it don’t make the weakness and strength too lengthy , just describe the weakness and strength wita nheed 3 to 4 lines.a proper development plan I have not witnessed the professional environment. No doubt that I am a motivator, shaper and have good communication skills, but the professional environmentw ill be completely different from the currnt seituation. Therefore, it could be major and foremost personality development gap for me. I have to focus on the professional environment through various ways and need to develop my interpersonal skills accordingly. The list of weakness also includes losing the temper in some instances. However, I am not a bad-temperedperson, but after analyzing the Goleman’s theory of intelligence I have learned that for reaching at the leadership position, there is need of avoiding the short tempered attitude. Hence, my development goals will include to concentrating on these elements (Rolfsen, 2013).
My strengths can be helpful to managing other’s capabilities. As I said that I am motivated personality so I can definitely help others to identify their strengths and potential. Further, I can guide others to understand that how emotional stability can be helpful for them. I can share my personal experiences with them. I have observed that just providing knowledge is not sufficient; there is need of sharing practical experience as well. Moreover, my major strength is communication so I can understand other people’s gestures and body language and can definitely identify their problems and issues, if they had any. I can take small sessions about improving communication but I need to be cautious while providing advice as people can take it negatively. Thus, I could be supportive only to those who actually seeking help or want to manage their capabilities.
Development Plan: don’t make two different paragraph plese combine these two paragraphs and u cant use I in whole paragraph. U can use I in starting of the 4 to 5 lines. But we cant use I in whole paragraph
After the gap analysis and identification of required personality traits for teamwork, I can say that two areas for improvement are communication and knowledge improvement so that I can develop a problem-solving attitude. These two skills have gained huge significance from my perspectives as all the three models have laid down emphasis on developing these interpersonal skills. This development plan is designed for the period of 6 months, and afterwards, a self-assessment will be conducted to identify the progress or further gap. The development plan for better communication skills is mentioned below:
I have already mentioned that my communication skills are excellent but professional communication skills, like formal communication, written communication, interacting with seniors and peers, are way different from personal communication. In communication area, my considerable elements are improving body language, gestures understanding and listening skills. In a professional environment, these all are part of better communication and personality traits (Braker, 2010).
I will focus on VARK technique in order to improve my communication skills. VARK technique determines the styles of learning or grasping knowledge; here VARK stands for visual, audio, reading and kinesthetic.I have mentioned that my goal is to develop my communication from all the perspectives. Thus, through VARK technique, it could become possible. I will see videos of professionals like how they are talking, their body language and gestures and so on so that judgment about personality and aura could be developed. It will never imitate them, but it will give an idea about the suitable body language. Further, to develop my communication skills, I will try to practice speech therapy. I will try to take participation in the college and university fests and other programs so that I can become competent to face large audience (Braker, 2010). The development of communication skills can also become possible through reading habits. I will read as much as I can and will definitely get hold on language. Hence, these three activities will be my part of development for next 6 months.
Development plan for increment in knowledge:
In case of increasing my knowledge I need to be clear that 360 degree knowledge or value added intellect is helpful to outperform the peers and colleagues in the professional environment. My development plan will include two main things or activities. The major one is to inculcate a habit of reading. I will read as much as I can. It will not only increase my knowledge but will make me familiar with lots of new concepts and theories. I can read books, newspapers from different genres, can surf an internet and read lots of stuffs. Thus, this activity can be helpful for me in the period of 6 months.
Second activity will be solving case studies. It is directly associated with enhancing my knowledge and problem solving attitude. By solving case studies, I can become familiar of professional environment and can develop my mindset accordingly. Another advantage of case study solution is that it can be helpful for my academic career. Hence these two activities will be included in my development plan for the period of 6 months.