Popular Questions for Information Technology (IT) Assignment Help

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Networking sites

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1   What is the main difference in systems development methodology when we compare enterprise systems (developed using a systems engineering approach) and ERP systems ? Explain your answer.

2  Discuss how internal Data Centers can deliver value to enterprises. Explain your response.

3  How do enterprises use various technologies to manage the processing, storage and access of corporate knowledge sets? Would the enterprise approach change in terms of tacit and/or explicit knowledge sets? Explain your response.

4   Consider the following statement:

Business process reengineering (BPR) is inexpensive and doesn’t take long to implement. In this respect, we can use Enterprise application integration (EAI) systems as a primary tool to re-engineer our business processes from the ground up”.

Explain and discuss why you agree or disagree with the statement.

  1. Complete the following:

From your perspective, what would you commend to the course participants as the major BP management issue across seminars 6-9? (10 lines maximum)

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1. What is the current situation of mobile phone security?
2. What are the major security assessment process/processes that are available used to protect data in the mobile world?
3. What is the current development of the defence technique/strategies for mobile security?
Task: search 20+ related papers (from Conference/journal paper, White papers, tutorials) and write a report to summarise the current/recent development in the area.

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1. Please explain in your own words the basic concept behind each special mechanism: Locks, Monitors, Queuing, Concurrent Queues and Forks
2. Provide a good example and error free Java sample code fragment(s) to support and demonstrate the idea(s) behind each case in (1). Part 2—-how to implement queue processing across a pool of worker threads using basic Java Thread synchronization and object monitors..Part 3—-Create a queue to act as a monitor and a way to transfer work
• Create a pool of worker threads (consumers) that each wait on the monitor (the queue)
• Create one or more producers that place items on the queue
• Notify the monitor when an item is placed on the queue, which in turn wakes up a worker to pull the next item off the queue.

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Requires you to formulate a proposal for a new M-commenrce business for builders and building firms. Requires you to design a mobile application for that business and specified its associated feature set.

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Discuss Google self – driving car as an instance of an autonomous agent, including references to the characteristics of the enivironment in which is designed to operate its actuators and sensors and what would make a suitable performance measure.

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1. You have been hired by a bank to help them harden their online banking service against phishing
attacks. Explain briey the strengths and weaknesses of the following four possible countermeasures:
(a) SSL/TLS client certi_cates issued to each customer.
(b) A handheld password calculator issued to each customer.
(c) Displaying a unique picture to each customer during the login process.
(d) Requiring that large payments, or payments to new recipients, be authorised by telephone or SMS as well as online.

Describe the following termininology in the content of anonymity:
(a) Anonymity.
(b) Unlinkability.
(c) Unobservability.
(d) Pseudonymity.

These questions relate to hill climbing attacks.
(a) Explain how a hill climbing attack works in the context of biometrics.
(b) What assumptions underly the use of this attack?
(c) Based on the assumptions, how might we provide protection against a hill climbing attack?

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Using the course material you are now required to make further assumptions and write an industry research paper that will describe the business communications and business systems relying on the network-related elements of these two organisations.

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Write a formal document which could be used for inspection of requirements specifications and design by a software development company . The standard to follow is ISO 90003 so we could use any clauses 7.2 and 7.3 sounds good to me.

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1. You are part of the R&D team in leading Audio Company, Sound-Spark. The company has just decided to create its first MP3 player. As the lead designer, you have been given the responsibility to evaluate the MC68HC11 as a possible CPU for the MP3 Player. Your are to submit a report that should include the following
– Advantages of using the MC68HC11
– Block Diagram Stating the connections of the microprocessor to other components
– Evaluate the other components that may be needed for the design, such as memory, input buttons, display and so on.
– Disadvantages / Difficulties of using the MC68HC11 and any suggestions to overcome them.
Outcome: 1.2
– Suggest 3 other application for microcontrollers. For your suggestions, do you think that the 68HC11 is good candidate to be the microcontroller? Justify your answer.

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1. What is the current situation of mobile phone security?
2. What are the major security assessment process/processes that are available used to protect data in the mobile world?
3. What is the current development of the defence technique/strategies for mobile security?
Task: search 20+ related papers (from Conference/journal paper, White papers, tutorials) and write a report to summarise the current/recent development in the area. – Research Proposal

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Research Report on Mobile devices/Phone security.

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A bank has hired you to investigate employee fraud. The bank uses four 20TB servers on a LAN. You are permitted to talk to the network administrator, who is familiar with where the data is stored. What strategies should you use? Which acquisition method should you use?
Following aspects are the minimum requirements in this project:
• What tools listed in the text book are available?
• How do you plan to acquire the data? Why will you choose a certain acquisition method?
• What diplomatic strategies should you use with the network administrator?
• What privacy issues might be a concern with bank records (bank account numbers, customer names, etc.)?
• How do you plan to validate the data after acquiring it?

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Define and differentiate between data, information and knowledge. and You are to select a job that includes the use of computer technology (For example: engineer, manager (specify the type of manager), computer programmer, lecturer, etc) .you can read my assignment and understand everything.
Define and describe knowledge, information and data in a general sense, as well as providing specific examples for the job that you have selected.
Describe how 21st Century technology assists the use of the knowledge, information and data.
Describe what challenges come with the use of the technology in relation to the knowledge, information and data.
Does the technology remove or alter the knowledge, information and data required?
Propose how the knowledge needed in this job contributes to organisational and personal operational efficiency and strategy.

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Data Structure Analysis Identify and apply advanced programming concepts.
Develop a robust efficient and real-time application. Evaluate both these approaches and solutions to the problem.
Deploy tools to create, debug and optimise an application. Evaluate both these approaches and solutions to this problem in order to enhance the outcome. The objective of this ACW is to develop two alternative data structures to represent WordSearch puzzles, and to develop two alternative data structures to represent the WordSearch dictionaries, and to investigate their efficiency.

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Research proposal of PhD information Technology – Big data with cloud computing the new cash cow for companies.

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Explain how the implementation of cloud computing relatess to an orgnisations stratergy and how it would efffect a company’ s vakue chain. Your manager have requested a report explaining how ERP can value add.

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Questions based on case study: Observations (All students):
f) Who are LVPG’s five best and five worst customers by total sales? Use an appropriate table and
graph/chart to summarise these observations.
g) What are LVPG’s best and worst value-added services by total profit? Use an appropriate table and
graph/chart to summarise these observations.
h) What are LVPG’s best and worst Trade Fairs by total profit? Use an appropriate table and graph/chart
to summarise these observations.
i) What would happen to profits if the rate of pay to Sales Representatives for hours worked on sales
was increased by 50%? Use an appropriate table and graph/chart to summarise these calculations.
Observations (ITECH5005 Students Only):
j) What are the best Sales Representative’s best- and worst-selling services (by total profit)? Use an
appropriate table and graph/chart to summarise these calculations.
k) What would happen to profits if the amount of space required to be sold to change the scale of
commission paid was changed from 20 sq.m. to (a) 25 sq.m. and (b) 30 sq.m. Use an appropriate table
and graph/chart to summarise these calculations.

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Write a research report, of 1600 words in length, on the business intelligence systems that need to be implemented to support the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and decision making process inherent in meeting the objectives of a given organisation’s business objectives and strategies.
1. Demonstration of Working Data Ware House and Dashboard (7 marks)
2. Brief Report outlining the intended decision making activities that the dashboard is designed to support

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Dissertation- Security and Vulnerabilities Analysis of Biometric Systems in the new Era- 16000 words

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Develop a Java GUI using layout managers
Develop an application that uses two or more classes
Read and/or write to text files
Use search algorithms and/or sort algorithms
Use ArrayList or LinkedList or any other data structure

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