
Popular Questions for Marketing Assignment Help
Your final assesment has a maximum 2000 word limit and should be structered in the following manner-Introduction and brief over view of the organisations. Comparisions and analysis ,learnings,Recomendations and Conclusions,References and Appendices. References and Appendices. do not count in the word limit .You are to choose one institution widely considered to be intraprenerial (and justify why you have choosen it) from listed companies or large government owned entities. in the US, Sigapore,Uk or AU .
Background of the company and the industry. Summary of key marketing issues faced by the company. Analysis of key findings from the survey – what does it say about the student market?
Using the background and survey analysis, identify the marketing objectives for Everyday Sunday for the next 5 years. Identify the target market(s).
Devise your recommended marketing strategy to address these marketing objectives, taking in to account the extended marketing mix shown.
Reflection on the assignment in terms of – What you have learned from completing it, suggestions about how the assignment should be improved or made more useful to students.
As a marketing analyst you have been asked to undertake research and an evaluation on the fast food industry. Your director has requested a written report of approximately 2000 words demonstrating your investigation and marketing analysis of one of the following organisations/franchisees.
You can choose (i) Red Rooster (iii) Hungry Jack‘s or (iii) Pizza Hut or (iv) Any other large fast food company other than McDonalds or KFC.
“1. What marketing strategy or strategies has Facebook adopted since it was created? Answer this question by applying one or more of the theoretical approaches discussed in the course.
2. What marketing options can you describe for Facebook if it wishes to remain a successful organisation throughout the next decade? Answer this question based on the circumstances that exist in 2014 and your best forecasts of relevant future industry factors.
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These are wide-ranging questions and you should undertake extensive independent research into Facebook and its industry. You should explore different aspects of these issues and incorporate them into your report. This is a practical assessment of a real company, but you need to show an understanding of theory and research in your evaluation and suggestions.
Part 1
Using the case study given and your knowledge of e-commerce and m-commerce, devise a marketing strategy for the building firm website and mobile application you specified in Coursework assignment 1.
In creating your marketing strategy use Michel Porter’s Four P’s model of Product, Price, Promotion and Place to detail the following for your new M-commerce business and mobile application.
1. Product – its quality, design, features, branding and customer perception.
2. Pricing – value to the customer, price of competing products, customer price sensitivity and discounts.
3. Promotion – advertising, public relations and online communications.
4. Place – distribution channels, market coverage and logistics.
Part 2
You are required to investigate different approaches to video-based marketing, and the use of video in online marketing and promotion. For your proposed website and m-commerce application, write a report of up to 2,000 words proposing an online video advertising strategy. The strategy should include how video would be used in social media, location-based services and via email.
Your report should explain how you would use video to:
1. Make customers advocates for the new site.
2. Include reviews of products and services.
3. Provide support to customers.
4. Promote and sell building services to customers.
5. Research and develop new ways of doing business.
1. What is happening to market size, growth, geographical distribution and profits?
2. What are the major market segments? What are their expected rates of growth? Which are high opportunity and low opportunity segments?
3. How do different groups of customers make their buying decisions? In the case of a not for profit organisation, this would be decisions to use its services.
4. Who are the major competitors? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What are their sizes and tends in market share?
– be able to find relevant and important information about organisations, their industries and marketplaces from secondary sources;
– be able to evaluate the key marketing aspects of segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) and be able to analyse an organisation’s approach to STP;
– be able to apply the marketing mix and aspects of branding and positioning to a specific target market and be able to evaluate competitors’ programs.
– Drawing on a wide range of literature on innovation (not just 1 or 2 sources), develop a framework that you could use to assess an organisation in terms of innovation. Describe your framework and justify the critical elements (with reference to the literature).
– The next step is to apply this framework to a particular organisation of your own choice. Where are the gaps? What is being done well, what areas need to be improved? Note: This organisation may be your own workplace, or an organisation you would like to work for.
– Finally, develop a plan to address areas of weakness. You may choose to focus on a few key areas and discuss them in detail.
iTwin Online-marketing for a long-term.
Need to do research on information regarding to 5 strategic business unit 1-BCG market sharegrowth. 2-mc Kinsey direction policy .How these two tools method are used to analyse the 5 strategic business unit.
Collect 1 observation about each of the IMC management decision areas discussed in the unit.
1. What marketing strategy or strategies has Google adopted since it was created? Answer this question by applying one or more of the theoretical marketing approaches and/or models discussed in the literature.
2. What strategic marketing options can you describe for Google if it wishes to remain a successful organisation throughout the next decade? Answer this question based on a SWOT analysis of the circumstances that exist in 2014/15 and your best forecasts of relevant future industry factors.
Task Prepare a comprehensive retail marketing strategy report.
Along with a number of others you made the shortlist to gain a position as a retail advisor for Retail Solutions (a Retail Marketing Consultancy) at present your position is temporary. Your first customer would like you to conduct a review of their retail marketing strategy and to mystery shop their business (including physical bricks & mortar store and online website). The quality of this report will dictate whether your position will be made permanent. In order to perform this review you will need to address the areas below and evaluate from both the physical bricks& mortar store [marketplace] and online store [marketspace] perspectives.
Students should develop their own New Product utilising the creative and marketing techniques discussed in class.This is a third year practical project that requires students to apply the concepts learnt throughout the semester in order to develop a Business Plan for a New Product.
Develop teams & Individuals(Case Study)- 1 Task 1
Planned development requires systematic identification of learning and development needs. How are you going to identify and plan the learning needs of your team? Task 2
If you were David, what development needs do you see for yourself? Task 3
The team has a range of issues that may be addressed by further development or training. Create a plan for individual and team learning and development for the next 12 months that will meet the needs of the organisation, team and individuals within the team. The plan should be prioritised, include a timeframe for length of training and how the training will be delivered (eg on the job & by whom, off the job, external provider, mentors etc).
Porters five forces analysis of online Travel / Tourism market and take the Airbnb as an example.
ITWIN marketing (to answer the questions from doc awesome)
Choose an Internationally renowned Multi National Corporation and analyse their International Marketing strategies. Your answers should include:
Create a background section and current situational analysis where you examine the company’s position within the International market environment. (LO1,2,3) (25 marks)
An examination of the impact of culture on their international marketing strategies (LO1,3) (10 marks)
Examine and discuss the current marketing strategies and plans, taking into account the consideration of Marketing Research and how market research could support international marketing decision making in an international context (LO1,3) (20 marks)
Analyse the companies International Market Selection and Entry Strategies and describe the chosen International Marketing mix (LO2) (20 marks)
Describe the influence of Electronic Marketing, Digital Marketing in an international context on the company’s current and future activities (LO1,3)
Your task is to undertake in 10 pages [excluding cover page, contents, and references] a detailed marketing report that addresses the following:
1) The cruise industry’s market segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies, and
2) Your categorization of Phil and Becky’s psychographic profile and how a cruise line could best get them “on board”.
MBA Project proposal, Draft & Final report
Students (individually) will be required to undertake industry-driven research based on the perception and use of public exercise stations in regional parks within WA local councils. Based on, and in response to, the managerial problem identified below, you will be required to research and write a 1,500 word literature review that supports the purpose of conducting this business research. The background information, research purpose, managerial problem, research statement (which is a managerial problem converted to a research statement) and research objectives have been provided.
Based on the client information provided on the website, you are to develop advertising research summary and recommendations. You are to investigate and justify your choice of advertising research format and recommend solutions for your client. (Please read the PDF)
This campaign history provides the content and context of a client you are now working for. Review all the relevant materials and plot a creative insights strategy for „where to from here?‟ Address your strategy as if presenting a summary to your client.
Consider the basic planning cycle questions:
Where are we now … summarising relevant information
Where can we be … summarising a potential idea
How do we get there … summarising relevant insight(s)
Marketing Plan: This assignment is based on QUTopia which will be held during the market day. More information on QUTopia Student Manual pdf.
Our company name is THE CANDLE MANIA.
Our product will be a DIY (do it yourself) Candle. We will be selling candles. All of the sources will be purchased by our group.
Our industry is Other Store-Based Retailing.
Marketing assignment on ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS
Entrepreneurship and Marketing – Case Analysis: Google
Entrepreneurship and Marketing
Case Analysis – Google
Case Analysis – Zambrero
a) Entrepreneurs have been identified as having certain traits and characteristics. Discuss the extent to which Zambrero founder Sam prince exemplifies these traits and characteristics.
Justify your response with reference to academic sources (e.g. academic journal articles, textbooks, etc.).
b) The article clearly outlines what we might consider ‘social entrepreneurship’, whereby an entrepreneur establishes and/or leads an organisation or initiative engaged in social change. Outline three current trends that illustrate the social entrepreneurship movement. Again, you should be looking to use academic sources as the foundation of your review. Wikipedia or web blogs are not considered as ‘sound’ academic sources.
1. Discuss about the decision-making process and highlight the relevance of the socio-cultural inputs and how they add to the marketing mix.
2. Briefly discuss about your product/service/brand selection and relate it to the product involvement (high/medium/low involvement categories) and explain the relevance of extent of problem solving (extensive/limited/ routinized (refer to Topic 2 PPT).
3. Consumer decision making models are four types such as economic, passive, cognitive and emotional models. You need to discuss about two important models based on your selection of the product/service/brand (refer to Topic 2 PPT).
4. Discuss the relevance of gifting which is highly relevant to your selection of product/service/brand (refer to Topic 2 PPT).
5. External factors or socio-cultural inputs (refer to the textbook “”consumer behaviour”” author – Leon Schiffman; aron o’cass; …).
1. What marketing strategy or strategies has Google adopted since it was created? Answer this question by applying one or more of the theoretical marketing approaches and/or models discussed in the literature.
2. What strategic marketing options can you describe for Google if it wishes to remain a successful organisation throughout the next decade? Answer this question based on a SWOT analysis of the circumstances that exist in 2014/15 and your best forecasts of relevant future industry factors.
1. The initial interview and orientation presented a very strong message about the knowledge environment operating at Manic Marketers. What features were portrayed? How did these differ from reality?
2. A mentor has certain functions in an organisation. Identify the types of support offered by this mentor. What else could the mentor have done to help Damon gain organisational knowledge?
3. In this context, the recording of client data is a major benefit to the organisation. Identify the types of information that should be included and discuss how they might have been recorded as codified knowledge. Review KM Viewpoint 2.1 and identify the other forms of knowledge which would have been of value to Damon in this initial stage.
4. Using KM Viewpoint 2.2, evaluate the social capital factors which were evident in the knowledge environment. What, in your opinion were the key weaknesses?
5. Manic Marketers needed to develop some very different approaches to how they share their knowledge. Identify some strategies which might be considered. How would you implement these strategies? What impediments to sharing can you identify?
Assignment 1: Case Analysis – Zambrero
Case study: Academic poster. Lecturer’s objectives for this assessment: Gain an understanding of the e-text and unit materials in section 1 and 2. Synthesise theories and concepts and develop a holistic understanding of marketing. Develop desktop publishing skills. Contribute to the collective learning of the class. Be able to overcome the challenges of the assessment. Meet assessment deadlines. Have a document that adds to the student portfolio.
Critical reflection on AUSTARLIAN CRUISE INDUSTRY Assignment
Part 3 continues the focus on the customer, but in relation to the major components of the marketing mix, or often called the 4Ps (product, price, promotion and place). These are discussed along with the concept of the extended markeitng mix, which includes a consideration of people, physical evidence/physical assets, processes and partnerships.
Knowledge of this part of the subject helps you successfully complete assignment 3: The expanded marketing mix.
The final stage of the marketing audit is for you to evaluate how well the marketing mix of the organisation is performing for your chosen organisation. Referring and with the use of secondary research, please provide informed answers to the following questions:
1. Are there any products/services able to benefit from quality, feature and style improvements? If so, how?
2. Are there any new products worth adding?
3. What are the pricing objectives, policies, strategies and procedures? To what extent are prices set on sound cost, demand and competitive criteria?
4. What are the distribution objectives and strategies? How can these be improved?
5. What are the organisation’s promotional objectives and strategies? Are they sound?
6. How could the promotional budget be improved to get better results?
7. How could the use of the expanded marketing mix, as outlined in chapter 14 be used to improve the performance of the organisation?
You will discuss a total of five IMC topics/issues, each topic/issue corresponding to one of the IMC management decision making areas:
1. Determining the role of the IMC tools
2. Setting objectives
3. Media strategy decisions
4. Message strategy decisions
5. Measuring the effects of IMC
Write a report on Essential Elements of Effective Retailing
Consumer & Buyer Behavior Assignment
Write an Introduction of 100 words about the Product Brand’s Positioning Strategy and key campaign message. Also create another 100 words for the conclusion. Please also provide a 100 word write up on what you have learnt from this project.
You need to browse through any recent (not older than 12 months) magazines or newspapers and select one product advertisement . Then you need to use the visuals to support your writing in regards to Brand’s Positioning Strategy and Key campagin message(s). Based on the print advertisement, you need to identify the positioning strategy adopted by that paticular product brand, and provide a rationale to support your analysis.
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