Ultimate Guide to Proofread Essays

We have to proofread our essays because this exercise is our ultimate defence for ensuring quality control in both online and print publishing. Without proofreading your assignment or essay, you should not submit it for printing because proofreading will help you identify all the loopholes in the writing that can affect your grades. At custom essay writing service can offer valuable tips and essay help when it comes to proofreading your essays.
A professional essay writer will help you pick out the mistakes, both spelling errors and grammatical mistakes which you have overlooked when writing. While there is no foolproof technique for proofreading, a professional essay writing service can show you how to go about it properly. You can follow these 10 easy tips to get it right the first time:
Refresh Your Eyes
You have to distance yourself from the writing for a couple of hours or even days if required to begin proofreading it; else, you will not be able to identify the mistakes during the revision. Proofreading must be done with fresh eyes at a time when you will not be fatigued.
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It is important to identify a single problem at a time and not try to correct everything simultaneously. So, you must begin by reading the essay, multiple times and then dealing with the sentence structures first, followed by choice of words, spelling and then punctuations. You should check the content for completeness and verify that all information stated is accurate. You must select areas which can be improved with additional examples.
Cross Check
You need to double check the figures, facts and the proper names. It is important to ensure that all information entered is accurate and that your spellings and usage of words are absolutely error-free.
Identifying All Loopholes Doesn’t Just Help You But Also Increases Your Chance Of Achieving Better Grades
Hard Copy, Best Copy
It may be a good idea to take a printout of the essay and review the hard copy. This is useful because when you review your work on a different format, you are likely to find errors faster. Your professional essay writing service can help you detect the mistakes which you may have overlooked earlier.
Lend Your Ears
A good way to proofread an essay is to read it aloud. You can ask a colleague or a friend to read it for you or your custom writing professionals can do it for you. Often, you can detect an error when you hear it rather than when you view it.
Spell Checks
Using a spell checker is recommended because it helps to catch the repeated words or reversed letters when you have been typing fast and even some common slip-ups.
Go to the Wise Dictionary
While the spell checker is a handy tool for getting word spellings right, it cannot help you know for a fact whether the word you have used is indeed appropriate in that context or not. For this, you will definitely need a dictionary.
Using the right jargons is key to upgrading your copy before submission. Depending on the subject or course topic, you would need to use specific technical jargon which might reduce it’s readability but is crucial for the paper. In such cases, getting a professional review from a second pair of eyes who is from the same industry is key. For instance, if you are writing a nursing essay, it is recommended to get it checked by a nursing proofreader who has prior experience in documenting reports in nursing.
Retrace Your Steps
It is often a helpful practice to look for spelling mistakes by reading backwards from the right to left. So, you start with the last word in the text and move to the first; this allows you to focus on every single word instead of on sentences as a whole. When proofreading, it may also help to use a ruler or other paper to cover the writing in the following lines. This method is useful because you are not tempted to read quickly and you will not overlook mistakes.
Create Checklist
You should create your own proofreading checklist consisting of the common errors you tend to make and refer to this list every single time you have to proofread your own writing.
Identifying All Loopholes Doesn’t Just Help You But Also Increases Your Chance Of Achieving Better Grades
There is no harm in asking someone else to proofread the document for you when you have already reviewed it once yourself. A custom writing review expert can do this for you because a new pair of eyes will always be able to spot mistakes that you are likely to have missed.