Understand the Process of Developing Research Questions |LGAW01/03
Developing research questions – Approach to writing an A+ grade assignment
Development of questions or research questions can be considered as the very first step before beginning the actual research. Generally, development of research questions should begin with an interesting topic which needs to be analyzed thoroughly to generate a large pool of ideas, concepts, and doubts about that particular topic; and for this you can always try out a brainstorming exercise. To begin with, you can jot down some questions that can provide you the following:
- Give a clear sense about the clarity of your ideas.
- Lead you to search for statistical data or evidence, depending on which you might plan for your own primary research project.
- Help you to explore the relationship between the various aspects of the topics in details.
You can form these questions in the form of 5 W and 1 H. Actually, these different kind of questions corresponds to different types of knowledge that you can seek in the context of the topic. These different types of knowledge are:
Procedural Knowledge: This deals with ‘how’ of a topic, or in other words how to do things.
Declarative Knowledge: Declarative knowledge generally obtained with ‘what’ question. It provides the basic description of things.
Configural Knowledge: This generally generated with ‘when’ questions, deals mostly with the time period of events.
Now let us move towards six important properties of a good research question:
- Identifies the theoretical construct you are trying to understand: A good research question will always direct you to grasp the underlying theoretical underpinnings of your inquiry. This is particularly important for beginning any research as this provides you the necessary focus as well as rigor to carry out your research project.
- Demonstrates recognizability and helps you construct a logical structure from the literature: Generally, before beginning actual primary research you are supposed to understand the academic literature concerning your topic. In that process your primary aim should be discovering major gaps in the existing literature through an adequate critical reading of the literature. Research question should aid that process and help you organize the literature logically.
- Transcends the data used in the research: Questions should be such that can’t be answered with a simple analysis of the data used in the research, rather answer to those questions can be obtained only through extensive data mining and reading.
- Highlights the significance of the research: The significance of any research solely depends on the importance and depth of the underlying research questions. If the research questions are simplistic and shallow, then the findings are going to be of less importance.
- The capacity to surprise: You should always try to demonstrate creativity in terms of developing research questions. Completely unexplored research questions will definitely lead you to make some novel contributions to the literature.
- Induces a complex answer: Research questions should not seek very simple yes or no answer, rather these should have the necessary analytical robustness to tease out the intricate nuances of the topic.
After describing the important properties of research questions, let us briefly discuss how to frame good research questions. Different perspectives can be referred (such as cartography, values and attitudes, social justice, etc.) in this regard to frame the questions. For more examples of framing research question you can visit the page.
In conclusion, it can be said that, don’t consider development of questions is a static step and ideally undertaken only once in the research. Rather, a good researcher should generate solid, well-articulated research questions to begin with, but should always remain self-reflexive on the issues faced in the research and should be ready to modify the research questions. Along with this, for producing an excellent assignment get accustomed with other steps to complete an assignment.
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